It’s so amazing to be moving in the right direction in life! When things are going well, they are REALLY well, but when they’re not…well, they’re not! Most days, you wake up with the energy to get started and you maintain momentum for all who need pieces of you throughout the day.  You exhaust yourself (many times) for the sake of others needs and wants.  Your family needs…Your boss wants…etc!

But, then there are those days you wake up…and nothing!  You feel nothing.  Your too tired to even feel bad.  You simply wish today was more like yesterday.  That’s just not possible because as optimistic you tend to be, today you are JUST. NOT. FEELING. IT!

It’s what you do that very moment that changes EVERYTHING.

Option 1: You accept your current state. You listen to your body and pity yourself.  After  all, you’ve been working hard all day every day. You deserve one day to wallow in your own mess, right? Every day can’t be great.  That’s just life…


Option 2: You can recognize what’s going on and PUSH yourself to think and respond differently.  Immediately in that moment, a fight began between you and your mind. Who’s going to win?  Your will to do more should always win!  Your body never wants to work.  It just wants to be comfortable and be comforted CONSTANTLY!

No two days are going to be exactly alike, so it is imperative that you prepare yourself for whatever comes by making a decision to push yourself.  I am not suggesting you push yourself to a point of frustration or enervation, but you must push past your comfort zone. in order to be a success!

~Christina Marie~

#SucceedONPurpose      #LiveONPurpose      #ChristinaMarie

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